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Gato mediano/grande

Gotas orales de 150 mg/30 ml

Small Cat up to 9lbs.

calming and wellness

100mg/30mL oral drops

Feline Easy Joints for cat

arthritis and joint pain

Feline Easy Calm for cat


Feline Easy Joints for pain and arthritis

FELINE EASY JOINTS FOR JOINT & ARTHRITIS PAIN For all ages and sizes (see dosing)

Product Details

  • Specifically formulated for Feline Pain & Arthritis  ​

  • A combination of CBM and adaptogens that target pain and arthritis in dogs.

  • Our Cannabimimetic (CBM) Blend is our proprietary blend of plant compounds that hold the same medicinal effect as CBD but are not derived from Hemp or Cannabis. 

  • Natural cannabimimetic and adaptogens

  • 50mL bottle

  • Controlled dosing with gradient droppers

  • Ideal for cats, and other small animals.

  • Effective relief from all forms of general inflammatory and neuropathic pain  

  • Ingredients MCT Oil, Cannabimimetics blend (Cone Flower, Myrcene, Tumeric, Maca, Beta-Caryophyllene, Camelia Sinensis, Frankincense), Spirulina, Ashwagandha, Reishi, Shiitake, Lion’s Mane, Turkey Tail, and Cordycep mushrooms.


  • Our Cannabimimetic (CBM) Blend is our proprietary blend of plant compounds that hold the same medicinal effect as CBD but are not derived from Hemp or Cannabis.  

    • CBM BLEND Contains: 

    • Cone Flower (Echinacea) – immune function, relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and have hormonal, antiviral, and antioxidant effects.

    • Myrcene (from Mangos) Terpene: plant possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative activities

    • Tumeric: including arthritis, inflammation, digestive disorders, respiratory infections, allergies, liver disease, depression,

    • Maca: muscle mass, energy and endurance. rich in vitamin B vitamins, C, and E. It provides plenty of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acids.

    • Beta-Caryophyllene (West African Black Pepper) – Inflammation, Pain, Calming effect,

    • activates a response in the CB2 (cannabinoid receptor) receptor in the body that deals with pain and other inflammatory pathways.

    • Camelia Sinensis: anticancer, anti-oxidant, and antimicrobial activities,

    • Frankincense: inflammation, respiratory, anticancer, anti-oxidant, gut health 

Feline Easy Calm for anxiety

FELINE EASY CALM FOR ANXIETY For all ages and sizes (see dosing)

Product Details

  • Promotes focus 

  • Rescued pets coming to new homes from terrible situations  

  • Loud noises like thunderstorms or fireworks 

  • Changes, such as a new pet or person in the home 

  • Travel: car, plane etc. 

  • May help with PTSD in dogs 

  • Trips to the vet 

  •  Stressful routine changes

  • Natural cannabimimetic and adaptogens

  • 50mL bottle

  • Controlled dosing with gradient droppers

  • Ideal for dogs of all sages and sizes.

  • Effective relief from Anxiety

  • Ingredients MCT Oil, Cannabimimetics blend (Cone Flower, Myrcene, Maca, Beta-Caryophyllene, Camelia Sinensis, Frankincense, Alpha Pinene), Holy Basil, Spirulina, Ashwagandha, Reishi, Shiitake, Lion’s Mane, Turkey Tail, and Cordyceps mushrooms.

  • Our Cannabimimetic (CBM) Blend is our proprietary blend of plant compounds that hold the same medicinal effect as CBD but are not derived from Hemp or Cannabis.

Active Ingredients

  • Coneflower (Echinacea): – has hormonal, antiviral, and antioxidant effects.

  • Alpha Pinene Terpene: Pinene can help to offset anxiety, elevated memory impairment cognitive health.

  • Myrcene (from Mangos) Terpene: plant possesses anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative activities

  • Maca: muscle mass, energy and endurance. rich in vitamin B vitamins, C, and E. It provides plenty of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acids.

  • Beta-Caryophyllene (West African Black Pepper) – Inflammation, Pain, Calming effect,

  • activates a response in the CB2 (cannabinoid receptor) receptor in the body that deals with pain and other inflammatory pathways.

  • Camelia Sinensis: anticancer, anti-oxidant, and antimicrobial activities,

  • Frankincense: inflammation, respiratory, anticancer, anti-oxidant, gut health 

  • Holy Basil: has been shown to have antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties similar to antidepressant drugs. Studies have shown that it can help canines & felines feel more social, less anxious and less stressed.

  • Spirulina:  can help increase levels of serotonin which can help with depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. This blue-green algae FurBabies uses works great as an antioxidant. It is well known that oxidative damage can be very harmful to your pet.

  • Ashwagandha Root: is an adaptogen, meaning it will help regulate your pup's nervous system. Because of its calming qualities, ashwagandha can soothe your dog if it suffers from: Separation anxiety. Social anxiety

  • Lion's Mane mushroom: promotes Focus have been shown to have various health benefits, may protect against dementia, reduce mild symptoms of anxiety and depression, and help repair nerve damage

  • Reishi: Reishi mushroom for anxiety has the ability to manage stress levels by nourishing and calming the central nervous system and promoting relaxation.

  • Hemp seed oil: good source of omega 3,6,9 Hemp Seed Oil is known to improve memory and prevent age-related brain function decline

CBM oral drops

CALMING & DAILY WELLNESS the 100mg/30mL Oral Drops! Cats & Small Animals

Product Details

  • Bacon and Natural Flavourings Pet Oral Drops 30mL

  • Natural cannabimimetic blend

  • 100mg per bottle

  • Controlled dosing with gradient droppers

  • Ideal for small breeds, cats, and other small animals

  • Effective relief from all forms of general inflammatory and neuropathic pain 

  • Can reduce stress and pain while promoting relaxation 

  • Ingredients: MCT oil, proprietary cannabimimetic and hemp seed oil, natural flavour (if applicable) with no meat/meat by-products


  • Promotes homeostasis

  • Effective relief from all forms of general inflammatory and neuropathic pain 

  • Can reduce stress and pain while promoting relaxation

  • Can help with appetite and digestive issues

  • Antiemetic and may reduce or stop nausea 

  • May lessen or cease seizure activity

  • Provides relief from pains associated with old age & health ailments

  • Beneficial for skin & coat issues

  • Reduces anxiety & improves mood

  • Restores youthful vigor

  • May help with Cancer

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