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Does your dog suffer from Anxiety?

Updated: Jun 18


Anxiety in dogs can be a serious problem that affects their overall wellbeing and can lead to behavioural issues. As a pet owner, it is important to recognize the signs of anxiety in your furry friend and take steps to address the underlying causes. In this blog, we will discuss the signs and causes of anxiety in dogs.

Signs of Anxiety in Dogs:

  1. Aggression: Dogs with anxiety can become aggressive towards other animals or people.

  2. Excessive barking or howling: Dogs may bark or howl excessively when they are feeling anxious.

  3. Pacing: Dogs with anxiety may pace back and forth in a repetitive pattern.

  4. Shaking or trembling: Dogs may shake or tremble when they are anxious.

  5. Restlessness: Dogs may appear restless and have difficulty settling down.

  6. Destructive behaviour: Dogs with anxiety may engage in destructive behaviour, such as chewing on furniture or other objects.

  7. Inappropriate elimination: Dogs may urinate or defecate in inappropriate places when they are feeling anxious.

  8. Hiding or avoiding people: Dogs may hide or avoid people when they are feeling anxious.

Causes of Anxiety in Dogs:

  1. Separation anxiety: Separation anxiety is one of the most common causes of anxiety in dogs. Dogs may become anxious when left alone for extended periods of time.

  2. Loud noises: Loud noises, such as fireworks or thunderstorms, can trigger anxiety in dogs.

  3. Changes in routine: Changes in routine, such as a move to a new home or a change in schedule, can cause anxiety in dogs.

  4. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid imbalances, can cause anxiety in dogs.

  5. Lack of socialization: Dogs that have not been properly socialized may develop anxiety in new situations.

  6. Trauma: Dogs that have experienced trauma, such as abuse or neglect, may develop anxiety.

  7. Genetics: Some breeds are more prone to anxiety than others, and anxiety can be inherited.

FurBabies recognizes anxiety in pets is a large concern and wanted to develop a safe natural way to help your pet deal with this issue. After two years of research and development we introduced K-9 Easy Calm and Feline Easy Calm, products that specifically targets anxiety by promoting calmness and focus. The combination of plant-based adaptogens found in these products can help your pet stay calm and relaxed while promoting focus. When a fur baby’s mind is focused, they become relaxed and experience less stress.


Anxiety in dogs can be a serious problem that affects their quality of life. As a pet owner, it is important to recognize the signs of anxiety in your dog and take steps to address the underlying causes. If you suspect that your dog is suffering from anxiety, consult with your veterinarian to develop a treatment plan that will help your furry friend feel more comfortable and relaxed. Remember, with proper care and attention, you can help your dog overcome anxiety and live a happy, healthy life.

Taking care of your fur baby … Naturally

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